Save a little angel.
My name is Ana Moraru, i am seven years old and i love to dance, says Ana when i asked here to present herself.
A innocent face, a big smile, a optimistic little angel , my nephew Ana.
Dressed like a little ballerina, looks to me with here innocent eyes and ask me if i want to see here new dance.
I love to dance, but mom says i cant dance any more, if i dance my head will hurt again and "We don't want that, don't we?"
My sister is devastated after a year of headaches the doctors are given a verdict.
Ana is a terminal case of clival tumor, the only hope is that she will be operated and surgical remove the tumor in time, before any other complication will take place.
We are a big hardworking family living in Iasi Romania, a beautiful town, a beautiful country, but the financial possibilities are not that good. Ana needs a 50.000 euro operation that can be made only at the international Neuroscience Institute from Hanovra, Germany.
"Mommy are you going to read me a angel story tonight?" she asks here mother,
"Yes of course dear. Any thing for my little angel."
We try to make here understand that she might become a angel, it's to hard and a loot of pressure but if that's God's will we are to little to stay in the way.
Until now people close to the family and who heard about Ana's story helped us with money and with a loot of support that's why we are grateful.
We pray every day for this little angel and we hop that we cam raise the money in time for the operation, and every body can be happy again.
So if you can and have the power to help, or support we will be grateful.
We have opened two bank accounts at Raiffeisen Bank in order for you to make a donation.
Inside Romania: lei(ron) RO88RZBR0000060010152963
Outside Romania: eur RO09RZBR0000060010153027 (Bank Swift Code: RZBRROBU )
Raiffeisen Bank Agency "Stefan cel Mare" str. Stefan cel Mare nr.2 Iasi, Romania.
You can contact us by Email at:
Phone number: +40745615319